April 18, 2019 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm CST
Commodity price risk can be elusive, especially when facing a complex and multi-layered supply chain. Whether the subject is dairy, plastics, or metals, there are many processes that introduce price risk within these commodity supply chains – from farm production and factory refinement, to transportation, storage and wholesale/retail distribution. Reducing risk is a core objective for many organizations but often the first question asked is “where do I begin?” This session will walk you through how to identify risk exposures as it relates to commodity price risk and addresses the next steps one should take to mitigate those risks.
Key Objectives:
Level: Basic
Advanced Preparation: None
Prerequisites: None
Field of Study: Accounting
CPE Credit(s): 1
Delivery Method: Group Live
COST: $50
Tim Johanson
Director | Cargill Risk Management
Tim Johanson is a director with Cargill’s risk management business. His experience includes corporate hedging strategies primarily in energy markets, including crude oil, fuel oil, ethanol, natural gas and petrochemicals. Johanson joined Cargill in 2008, providing energy risk management advisory services. He is a member of the Association of Financial Professionals.
Craig Haymaker, CPA
Chief Operations Officer | HedgeStar
Mr. Haymaker is Chief Operating Officer of HedgeStar where he oversees the risk management consulting, hedge accounting and valuation groups. He is a subject matter expert in financial reporting and accounting for debt, equities, derivatives and other financial instruments. Mr. Haymaker has over 11 years of audit, professional accounting, and risk management experience. Mr. Haymaker has held positions with top companies including Deloitte & Touche LLP (Boston), Liberty Mutual Group (Boston) and U.S. Bank (Minneapolis) with a focus on treasury departments, capital markets and risk functions.
Requests for refunds must be received in writing 2 days prior to training date for a full refund of registration fees. If a program is cancelled, the participant will be notified immediately by email and a full refund will be issued. For more information regarding administrative policies such as complaints and refunds please contact our offices by email: info@hedgestar.com or by phone: 952-942-6094.
HedgeStar is registered with the National Association of State Boards of Accountancy (NASBA) as a sponsor of continuing professional education on the National Registry of CPE Sponsors. State boards of accountancy have final authority on the acceptance of individual courses for CPE credit. Complaints regarding registered sponsors may be submitted to the National Registry of CPE Sponsors through its website: www.nasbaregistry.org