Natural Gas
Persistent infrastructure constraints, combined with mild weather, weighed on natural gas prices in the US and Europe. European inventory recorded another counter-seasonal build last week, swelling by 8 a billion cubic feet (“Bcf”) to reach 3.65 trillion cubic feet (“Tcf”). Stocks exceed the 5-year average by 230 Bcf and are within 5% of maximum capacity. Similarly, the US again gained on the 5-year average, as liquid national gas exports remain constrained and mild weather offers relief. This does not suggest that risk has left the market. Rather, it has been assigned to basis and paid for in options skew.
*This summary is based off November 3, 2022
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Meet the Author!
Steve Sinos, Blue Lacy Advisors, LLC
Phone: +1-832-413-3124
Steve has spent his career in strategy, risk, trading, and investment. He works with investors to source investments in opportunistic or high growth sectors, with particular interest in early-stage companies solving clearly defined problems.
He is currently a Managing Partner with Blue Lacy Advisors LLC, giving management teams and investors confidence in their decision making by supporting strategic planning and execution, risk management, commodity trading, and market analysis.
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