Table of Contents:
Market Moving Headlines
Interest Rates
Concept of the Week: Risk versus Speculation
Quote of the Week
Market Moving Headlines
Oil prices rise to a 10-month high on supply tightness.
Nickel falls after lithium discovery in the US
10-year Treasury yield approaches a 15-year high.
The annual inflation rate increases above forecasts to 3.7% in August.
Mortgage applications in the US continue to fall.
Eurozone industrial output falls more than forecast.
Hong Kong manufacturing output growth slows in Q2.
UK GDP shrinks more than expected in July.
Sterling at over 3-month low on weak GDP data.
UK imports hit 17-month low.
Interest Rates
Concept of the Week: Risk Versus Speculation
There are many types of derivatives that are used for taking on risk – that speculate on the movement of interest rates, currency exchange rates, and commodity prices. When hedging, one is not guessing the direction that interest rates, currency exchange rates, and commodity prices will move. Instead, they are mitigating the risk of loss should any of those items move in a direction that negatively impacts the organization. Not hedging a risk is speculation. If an entity decides to not hedge an exposure, that entity is in effect speculating that rates, currencies, or commodities will not move in a direction that will adversely impact their institution.
Quote of the Week
“If you’re going to panic, panic early.” – Nassim Taleb
Author: John Trefethen, Director and Co-Founder
Mobile: 612-868-6013
Office: 952-746-6040
HedgeStar Media Contact:
Megan Roth, Marketing Manager
Office: 952-746-6056
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