HedgeStar Annual Meeting 2022
Minneapolis, MN | September 28, 2022 | By: HedgeStar Marketing
Every year the HedgeStar team gathers with our affiliate company, Blue Rose Capital Advisors, for an in-person meeting to celebrate the year we’ve had as a company.
This year we traveled to Duluth, MN, to enjoy the beauty of Minnesota’s fall season. Our time in Duluth included some business meetings, volunteering our time at the Damiano Center, kayaking on Lake Superior, a surprise gift from our leadership team and a lot of fun!
HedgeStar Media Contact:
Megan Roth, Marketing Manager
Office: 952-746-6056
Email: mroth@hedgestar.com
Laura Klingelhutz, Marketing Generalist Intern
Email: lklingelhutz@hedgestar.com
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