The World Is Moving Away From LIBOR -- Here is What You Should Know

*This event is no longer open and has already taken place.

March 28, 2019 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm CST

This session will provide the latest information on the LIBOR transition. It will begin with some historical context and how we got to this point of LIBOR phaseout. Next, the speaker(s) will cover the proposed replacement for LIBOR and where it comes from. The session closes with things to think about and next steps to consider as we approach the ominous 2021 phaseout date!

Key Objectives: The objective of this session is to equip attendees with a current understanding of the LIBOR transition and to come away with relevant action items, and discover your LIBOR exposure and the potential impacts.

Key Take-Aways:

  • Appreciate why LIBOR is being replaced
  • Understand LIBOR’s likely replacement index – SOFR
  • Provide guidance on next steps toward LIBOR-phaseout readiness

Level: Basic
Advanced Preparation: None
Prerequisites: None

Field of Study: Accounting
CPE Credit(s): 1
Delivery Method: Group Live

COST: $50

Presenter Information:

Samuel M. Gruer
Managing Director | Blue Rose Capital Advisors

Sam Gruer, a 30-year municipal market veteran, joined Blue Rose in June 2017 as a Managing Director and leader of the firm’s reinvestment business unit. During his career, Mr. Gruer has advised on and/or executed bond and derivative transactions totaling more than $30 billion. Serving in a fiduciary role, Mr. Gruer guides his clients through the debt/swap/reinvestment transaction process by making strategic recommendations based on sound, thoughtful and sophisticated analysis. He also offers expert advice on determining the optimal structure for reinvestment of bond proceeds by evaluating risk tolerance, identifying legal restrictions and estimating cash flow needs for his clients.

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