HedgeStar Welcomes Kevin Jarvis as Analyst

HedgeStar is pleased to welcome Kevin Jarvis as Analyst.

Kevin Jarvis joined HedgeStar in January 2020, as an Analyst. Prior to working at HedgeStar, Kevin has gained professional experience through his positions at companies such as TCF Capital Solutions, Bank Mutual and CU Venture Fund Management Program.

In his role, Kevin will be working with Craig Haymaker, Chief Operating Officer and Tim Potter, Senior Manger, on the operations team for HedgeStar. Kevin will support HedgeStar’s outsourced and consulting services, as well as client relations and business development.

“We are delighted to have Kevin join our organization. His experience, positive attitude, and dedicated work ethic have immediately proven to strengthen the collective value we bring to our clients,” says Tim Potter, Senior Manager.

Please join us in welcoming Mr. Jarvis to our team!

Kevin Jarvis

Office: 952-746-6177

Email: kjarvis@hedgestar.com